Having worked remotely for the last month due to the Coronavirus lockdown, the team at One2create feels qualified to talk about the benefits of working from home. We are also feeling generous enough to give out our secret remote working tips! You should take note, ‘coz we are pros.
When the lockdown was announced we, as a digital marketing business, were lucky enough to be able to work remotely. Plus, we already had the infrastructure and procedures in place that allowed us to jump into action a week before the lockdown was announced.
Since then we have acquired greater wisdom in the ways of working from home, so we thought we’d share our top tips.
Rosie – Commercial Director
The biggest advantage of working from home? I love that I don’t have to go to the shops every day because I forgot to pack lunch! Joking aside, I love being able to sit in the garden for a break. It resets the clock a bit, especially when I’m trying to do creative work.
Rosie’s work-from-home tip: Where possible, do video calls. It’s easy to feel isolated at this time, so seeing people’s faces can really make a difference, making you feel less hemmed in.
Elly – Marketing Manager
I love the later, slower starts in the morning. For me, that’s the greatest advantage of working from home. It means I have the time (and energy!) for exercise classes and to cook healthy, interesting lunches. Who knew lockdown would be so good for health?
Elly’s work-from-home tip: Get a comfortable chair, and set up your workspace to be inspiring – with plants, artwork, space to move! That will get your mind working on clever marketing ideas… or whatever it is you need to do.
Si – Production Manager
One of the things I like about working from home is definitely the travel savings. Both in time and money. And, who says I *have* to be in the office to provide good SEO services?
Si’s work-from-home tips:
- Have a structure to your day – Have a start time, an end of day, and remember to take lunch. Also, get dressed. Even if it is something comfortable.
- Get up and walk around every half hour – Especially if you don’t have a proper work chair.
- If possible don’t work where you eat or sleep – You need to be able to move from one location to another to help your mind get out of work-mode.
- Call people – You need human contact beyond text messages/email. Voice is good but video is better.
- Take a walk outside – Whilst we are still allowed!
Lisa – New Business Consultant
My favourite thing about working from home is that I don’t get distracted by things that are happening in the office! That leaves my brain free to engage with all the excellent clients and prospects we have.
Lisa’s work-from-home tip: Plan your workday the night before. That way you are prepared for each day in advance.
Matt – Web Designer
The best part about working from home for me is no travel, which means when I finish, I can start doing whatever I want, like going out for a walk. Where I live, it’s very easy to go out, so walks at lunch, here I come! This means I am able to come back fresh and ready, with renewed creativity.
Oh, and good food for lunch!
Matt’s work-from-home tip: Try and keep to the same routine as you do in work, and do keep an eye on the clock. When you’re having fun in web design, it’s very easy to work into the evening. However, it is equally important to decompress too!
Also, keep your work area anywhere other than the bedroom. This will help your brain recognise it as a place of rest, not work.
Parul – Copywriter
My favourite thing about working from home is that extra contemplation time I have in the morning to enjoy my coffee. I still have my alarm set to 5.30 AM. I wake up, make a coffee, and spend about an hour doing nothing (‘cept sipping on my drink). That quiet time, when everyone else is asleep, is so enjoyable and relaxing. It helps me get in the right headspace for writing.
Also, I get time to garden during the week, whilst spending more time with the dog (which he loves!)
Parul’s work-from-home tip: Take 5-minute breaks whenever you reach a natural stopping point, and just walk away from the screen. Give your eyes and brain a rest.
Also, it’s very easy to get overwhelmed when you’re working in isolation. Talk to your colleagues, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Just because you’re working from home does not mean you need to do it all alone.
Simon – Web Developer
I really enjoy the fact that I can have my music on without headphones. Otherwise, web development can be a pretty silent job.
Simon’s work-from-home tip: Keep hydrated and take regular breaks.
Ray – Junior SEO Technician
Being able to save money on fuel and constant access to food whilst devising strategies on how to get more traffic to clients’ websites is what I like about working from home.
Ray’s work-from-home tip: Stay consistent with your schedule, go to bed on time, get out of your PJs and dressed each morning. It can be very easy to be lazy when you’re comfortable.
Lucy – Web Designer
I would say my favourite thing about working from home is that you can have your own personal space as you want it, which makes working super-comfortable! Plus, you can have your music as loud as you want (and still be able to concentrate on designing)!
Lucy’s work-from-home tip: Make sure that your own space is personalised to what you want it to be, to help you work to the best of your ability and minimise distractions.
Charlie – Motion Graphics Designer
My favourite thing about working from home is being able to take Dougal the Doberman out for a walk on my lunch break because creating animations needs inspiration, which I get from nature.
It’s also nice to be in for any deliveries, go for a food shop during my lunch break, save on petrol (so, less pollution!), and use the commute time for yoga, meditation, reading, or walking.
Charlie’s work-from-home tips:
- Work in comfy clothes but not PJs! Make sure you get washed and dressed from your nightwear.
- Make sure you have healthy food in the fridge for lunch.
- Diffuser with boosting essential oils, like lemon, orange, eucalyptus, can help your concentration.
- Surround yourself with plants.
- Have a good podcast or playlist to keep you company.
- Leave your working space on your lunch. Go for a walk, sit in another room (or outside, if the weather is nice) and eat your lunch.
So, these are the benefits of, and tips about, working from home, coming straight from the One2create team. As you can see, we’ve have taken to working from home like fish to water.
Have you had to adapt to remote working? What are your top tips? Leave a comment below to let us know!
Further reading
- Join Us to Raise Money for a Key Worker Party!
- How to Use Marketing to Your Advantage in Uncertain Times
Are you planning to revamp your marketing strategy while the world is in lockdown? We are still operational, so get in touch and find out how we can help you.
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