We’re almost half way through the year… It feels like it was just last week that I was writing the newsletter for May! Signs of another busy month 😉 We’ve all been preoccupied by lots of exciting projects, so we have quite a lot to update you on! Let’s have a look at what’s been going on at One2create’s HQ.
We’ve seen a lot of success from the Growth Voucher Scheme and have had the opportunity to work with a range of clients from a variety of industries.
We’ve provided strategic marketing advice including company reviews and competitor analyses to determine their current situation, highlighting strengths and weaknesses ready for them to work on growing their business.
If you have unused growth vouchers, don’t let them go to waste! The expiry date is at the end of this month, so get in touch with us for expert marketing advice.
Responsive website upgrades
Since Google’s announcement about mobile friendliness becoming a ranking factor, we’ve had lots of responsive website upgrades to complete! With two going live in our previous newsletter, this month we’ve ticked off another two!
Anya Bridal – Wedding dress boutique
Morgan Redwood – A personal and corporate growth company
CD Auction Group
We’ve completed the web design work for this online vehicle auction company and it’s now with them for implementation. We’ll keep you posted when the site is up and running!
Luvvit Want It
This boutique gift shop in Bishops Waltham are close to launching their new responsive online shop. We’ve been busily working with them getting all of their lovely products listed, ready for customers to peruse and purchase!
Platinum Care Solutions
We’re currently working on their point of sale materials, as well as their internal branding, which they absolutely loved. They’ve now asked us about producing a website for them (responsive of course), so we’re looking forward to getting stuck into that!
The Winchester University Academy Trust
Whilst working with the Winchester University Academy Trust on their branding, guidelines and stationery layouts, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be working on their website too! We have a kick off meeting with them in a few weeks time to chat about deliverables to get the best project outcome!
We’re currently working hard on the run up to the release of Arval’s latest marketing campaign, which includes a video shoot, animation, printed goods (which is a secret at the moment) and a mailer.
We want this to be as successful as their last campaign that we produced for them, so we’re putting our all into it! The campaign is due to go out in the next couple of weeks, so watch this space!
Fleet Operations
The web design for Fleet Operations has now been signed off (with no design tweaks needed, may I add!) and is now in the build phase! To get the best outcome, we’re coordinating with the client alongside the design, marketing andSEO teams.
We’re also initiating on-going marketing support for them next month too, which we’re excited to get started on! We’ll be doing all sorts, so are really looking forward to adding fuel (oh dear) to their marketing strategy…
Cornerstone Tutors
We’re looking forward to working with Cornerstone Tutors in a range of services we provide. This is a new company, so we’ll be starting from a blank canvas, which is awesome! Our team will be producing a responsive website that will be followed by ongoing high-quality SEO services, as well as branding.
We’ll start off the project with a brainstorm around the table to think of wonderful ways to highlight the business and its strengths.
Lots of SEO …
CJH Cleaning
Another happy SEO client, we’re pleased to say that CJH Cleaning have renewed with us! We’re clearly doing something right! 😉
Focal Point
We’ve been providing Focal Point with our SEO services for the past 18 months or so and the results have been great! So great that they’ve renewed their SEOwith us!
Morris Crocker
Another loyal client of ours, we’re happy to announce that we will be producing their responsive website! To add to the good news, they’ve renewed their on-going marketing with us too! Lots of ideas are buzzing around the office so we can’t wait to get cracking…
Phew! As you can see we’ve had a lot on our plate, but we’re hungry for more and super excited for what next month brings. Let’s hope it comes with some sun too!
We’ve been so busy this year (one of our busiest years yet), that we’re looking for an extra pair of hands to help us in our web design team!