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O2C Newsletter February 2015

It was an extremely busy January for us at One2create, so we have lots that we can’t wait to fill you in on!





You could be eligible for a Government grant of up to £2,000 towards marketing your business. We’re proud to be Enterprise Nation Business Growth Voucher advisors, so are on hand to offer our expertise to help you get great return on investment from your grant.


If you’re interested (why wouldn’t you be?), find out more here to see if you can get your hands on this awesome opportunity!




Sail Training International – Printed Brochure and E-flip-book


This tall ships racing company asked us to produce an engaging, fresh looking brochure to advertise their corporate sponsorship opportunities. We worked with them on their sales micro site last year, so had in mind their vision and design preferences.


The end result is fantastic. It represents them as a company and it truly sells the spectacle of the races. They were so pleased with the finished product, we produced it as an electric brochure too, ready to share with the world!





Fleet Operations – Re-Brand


Creating a brand that both echoes the fleet company to its very core and has room to be applied across multiple media has been our number one aim. Having carried out in-depth brand reviews on their competitors, we have produced a selection of new identities to pick and choose between, supporting the decision process with potential stationery layouts too.


Their logo is the starting point for a larger project to give their web-presence a boost, so watch this space!


Busec – Marketing Analysis and Blueprint


Through the Growth Voucher Scheme we met up with Busec and carried out an in-depth marketing analysis and strategic review. We looked through both Busec and their competitors’ marketing activities, including their website, social media presence, POS materials (and anything else we could get our hands on). We then created a blueprint for the business to maximise opportunities, deal with potential threats and generate more leads.


Yesterday, we sat down with them and went through the highlights of the short and long-term plan and to say they were pleased was an understatement! They have asked us to work closely with them to roll out these ideas and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!


Basingstoke Fire Protection – Stationery Design


After designing their responsive website, we have been working with the safety company on designs for business stationery and marketing materials.


These are currently in the final proofing stages and once they’ve been approved, off to the printers they go! We’ve used elements of the web design and applied it to all of their materials, including, letterheads, email signatures and business cards.


CD Fleet Services – Web Design


This fleet company asked us to produce a fresh, modern responsive website to showcase their digital remarketing and vehicle management services.


During our kickoff meeting we agreed a sitemap, which we then used to create a site that incorporated the new logo and branding we produced. We also went ahead and added functional elements, including an animated banner, parallax elements and subtle animation throughout the site to draw attention to call-to-action points.




Fifty One Degrees – Marketing Analysis and Blueprint


A new customer of ours, Fifty One Degrees are a bespoke concierge and travel company. They in fact have taken advantage of the Growth Voucher scheme!


We’re super excited to start with our kickoff meeting and brainstorm with them this week! We’ll analyse the business offering and carry out a competitor analysis to establish key areas to focus on.




CJH Cleaning – Printed Brochure


Last year, we produced a new website for CJH Cleaning to showcase services for their developing business.


Now they’re getting more enquires, they’ve asked us to produce a beautiful brochure to send to prospective clients. At the moment, we’re waiting for their imagery before we set the document out ready for print!


Sail Training International – Brand Guidelines and E-flip-book


It’s all go for these guys! Having been so pleased with the brochure we produced, they have commissioned up to produce a brand guidelines document for them to share with all of the events they participate in around the world.


Creating a structured document with all of the dos and dont’s, this will help streamline their identity and ensure brand recognition across all countries. We will also be producing this as an eflip-book too once this is finished!


With Valentine’s Day approaching soon, we have a special animation that we’re looking forward to sharing with you guys. But you’ll have to wait until the 14th, so be sure to keep an eye out! You’re going to LOVE it! Haha! Ha…Oh….

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