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Growth Voucher Success!

As the Growth Voucher scheme has come to an end, we wanted to tell you guys how much of a success it was for a few of our clients.


For those that have been missing out and aren’t too sure of the scheme, let’s fill you in quickly…


What are Growth Vouchers?


A recent Government programme which helped selected businesses with a grant of up to £2,000 to put towards business growth. If successful, the Growth Vouchers would cover up to half the cost of strategic business advice received. This means you could get your hands on £4,000 worth of advice and support for only £2,000! And that’s exactly what some of our clients did 😉


As approved Enterprise Nation Growth Voucher Advisors we offered expert strategic marketing advice and support to clients old and new. This included the following services, and is something we offer as standard to anyone who needs our help to boost their business:


Company review


We completed a thorough review of their companies, analysing various online and offline marketing elements in detail.


We looked at their current online presence, checking their websites’ were responsive and also carried out a full Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) audit to highlight any areas that would help them be found in search engines.


As well as this, we checked out their social media activities to see how they were networking. We also looked at their marketing materials, anything from printed leaflets to e-shot mailers.


After analysing these areas, we picked out all the things our clients were smashing, as well as the areas that could do with a little bit of One2create magic.


Competitor analysis


It’s important to monitor your competitors to see how they’re doing, after all you can always learn by their mistakes and successes.


When conducting market research we choose a carefully selected list of companies to review and check out their online presence, SEO, marketing and social media efforts.


By thoroughly analysing each of these aspects, we are then able to highlight to what they’re doing well in and what they’re falling behind on.


What we delivered


After our experts complete both analyses, we used all of the collated information to pull together a document filled with recommendations, which are split into short and long term goals. After all, we know you won’t be able to hit everything all in one go!


Based on these reviews, we then provide expert advice, supported by thorough research and facts. Everything we do here is to show clients exactly what they can do to improve their business growth, by giving them pointers to work from to enhance their return on investment. We see this as a partnership, both working together towards the same end goal.


If you’ve been successful and have Growth Vouchers just waiting for some awesome marketing advice, get in touch today as there’s not long left to use them!

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