Well, what a month it’s been. General Data Protection Regulations (oh god, it’s horrible, we know) have come into force, there’s been some fantastic sunshine and the One2create team hasn’t stopped.
It’s going to be a shorter update this month, we’re busy and we’re sure you are too. So without further a-do, we’ll head straight into the June monthly round up. Enjoy!
Boleh Trust – Web Design
With a unique history and an interesting back-story, the Boleh Trust is a charity that’s committed to working with adults and young people, providing them with future opportunities and offering them valuable apprenticeships. Their new site highlights the history behind this iconic ship, along with the option for the public to make a donation to the trust. We love the final design, and we hope it helps this charity going forwards.
Take a look here to see the final results.
North Surrey Veterinary Emergency – Web Design
We do love working with vets, we get to look at the pictures of all the animals! The North Surrey Veterinary Emergency practice asked our team to redesign their website. Making use of white space, their new design showcases the practice brand palette, along with promoting their extensive range of services.
Take a look here to see the website in more detail.
In Progress
Senseye – Web Design // Copywriting
We’re coming to the end of our journey with Senseye, and the website design is nearly finalised. The content is finished, so it’s now just a case of creating the pages and putting the final tweaks in place. There’s still the client testing stage to come, but we’re really excited to see this website launched into the digital world.
Emphasis Ltd – Print Design
Not only are we working on a new website for Emphasis Ltd, but we’ve also recently completed some print design for them. Our creative team have worked hard to create some stunning A4 folders, business cards and placeholder cards, ready for any industry event that this training and development company might go to in the future.
Virtua UK – Web Design
As one of our previous clients, Virtua UK have tasked our creatives to redesign their existing website, with some updates to their services, along with the structure of some of the pages. We’ve recently received feedback from the client, so we’ll be working hard to get their changes made, ready for the site launch. Make sure you check back next month for more updates.
New Business
GKL – Web Design // Copywriting // SEO // Social Media
You may have noticed GKL Leasing in our last monthly round up, but since then there have been some very exciting developments. They’ve decided that they want our creative team to give their existing site a facelift, whilst using our new design for a new branch of their business. They’ve also signed up to our Platinum SEO Packages, for both sites! We’ll keep you updated next month, but make sure you watch this space.
We might be half way through the year already (doesn’t that sound strange!) but that doesn’t mean you can’t still take advantage of our web design, content marketing and other services. We’re always on hand to help your company thrive, so why not give us a call on 01489 232312 and see how we can work with you.
Alternatively, you can keep up to date on all the latest industry advice and guidance on our Twitter and Facebook pages. We’re always sharing insights, advice and guidance from the web design and marketing world.