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O2C Newsletter – December 2013

Woo! The month of Christmas is upon us! The decorations are out and our festive party is booked, don’t fret though! We still have work coming out of our eyeballs…




Focal Point Training


We were approached by Focal Point to help give their website a bit of a make over. It all began with some in-depth discovery sessions into their business. We even stopped for sandwich breaks when our brains started to ache! Now, we have completely restructured their online presence.


In-line with the new way in which they want to operate, we needed to get technical into the workings of their business. We’re in the final throws of the design phase where we will be making sure their brand is top notch, and also that it transfer over into a nice shiny responsive website. They are some lovely people with a huge passion for their business so it’s great working with them!


Well, it’s all getting ‘recruitment’ in here!


Workshop Recruitment


Our new clients Workshop Recruitment have asked us to design and build a new responsive website with a CMS and ongoing maintenance package. As part of this project we will also be doing a 1 day marketing session with them, helping the four stakeholders align their requirements into a single business message.


Impact Sales Recruitment


Another website design and development for Impact Sales Recruitment! We will be creating their first one, so we’re very excited to get stuck in to this in the new year.






One of our long standing customers HCS decided they wanted a little refresh of their website design in the new year. They love the new designs and we’ll be helping to launch their relocation to their rather impressive offices. We’re also doing a video for them, whilst continuing on with our ongoing SEO activities!




In the final throws of their website now and we looooove the new designs! They have already come back for more, we are now creating an e-brochure and course booklet for them too! The concept suggestion is with them for review so after that we’ll go ahead and lay out all the pages and then produce the 100 pages+ in HTML5 so that it’s responsive on iphones and tablets as well as computers!


UK Flyers


They’ve renewed their SEO contract with us for another year! Since designing and developing their website at the start of this year, we have an ongoing strategy to help them take over the print world 😉


Janice Haddon


Long standing client Janice Haddon has also renewed her SEO strategy with us. We’re already looking at restructuring the website to further boost SEO success going forward.






We mentioned in our last newsletter about our new marketing campaign for January with Arval. We created designs for three concepts after doing a discovery and brainstorm. This covered social media, mailers, printed goods and many other things… even augmented reality! We presented our concepts to the team and they decided on the spot which they wanted, it’s been go go go ever since! We will be producing an awesome bespoke animation alongside other marketing activities that, at this point, cannot be named so watch this space…




Auto Integrate


We’ve completed their new website and an awesome animation. We loved creating the animation and are really pleased with the outcome!




Virtua’s website has also gone live. We are chuffed with the response we received from them and they were really pleased with the training we provided.


We’re also really pleased with the response from our recent Hummingbird blog posts, if you haven’t seen them already then check them out because there is some really great info that you may have missed about the update!




This month Dexter has been mostly eating shoes. My favourite shoes. Ever. Lesson learnt now though – never leave him unattended…or hungry! Now if I could only teach him to bring the washing down and put it in the washing machine then life would be much better… and then (and only then) I would forgive him for eating my footwear!


He’s also learnt how to use the dogflap at last! Although it did take four people, one stick of doggy chocolate, all of his toys and a mum stupid enough to try and go through it to show him it wasn’t scary. Mission accomplished eventually and yes.. it was emotional!


As you can see from the photo below he’s also got quite a bit bigger!


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