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Animation for Business – Top 10 Benefits

There is a growing trend for businesses to use video animation to help market themselves in a very demanding digital world. Customers and consumers desire instant information and want to receive it in the best possible way. An original animation or video can go a long way to increasing your brand’s recognition, and personality.


So, whether you want to use animation to show a customer how to use your services, or if you want it to simply explain what you do, then here are 10 quick fire reasons why you should advertise with animation!


1. Engagement


An animation can engage a customer by using their visual senses to help deliver your brand or company’s key messages.


2. Exposure


If your animation or video is good, then there is no reason why you couldn’t gain a #!?% load of exposure!


3. Time


It is much easier to explain things in video form than it is to type it all out. With an animation you can present more information, in less time for productive user engagement.


4. Personality


Your animation or video can give your business a great personality and you can really emphasize your style and what you’re all about.


5. Detail


With videos you can showcase your services or products from any angle, you can show the consumer intricate details which may not come across as well in photos or text.


6. Effects


There are basically no creative restrictions on animations and you can achieve unusual effects and try something a bit ‘different’ that you may have never done before.


7. Tech-savvy


If you have an animation on your website, it can show you and your company are technologically sophisticated.


8. Online presence


You can apply an animation to multiple channels, resulting in an increase on your website’s traffic by establishing a great online presence.


9. Low cost


Of course this is a biggy, it doesn’t cost a lot to make an animation, meaning your return on investment could turn out to be pretty good!


10. All in all


The thing we want the most… an animation can increase sales!


The magic of animation is limitless so why not try something different today? Keep an eye out for forthcoming blog posts all about animation

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