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What the #!?% is Marketing anyway? Part 2!

In part 1 of this series we discussed the interruption based outbound marketing technique known as indirect marketing . We threw some mud at a wall, spoke about the numbers game and shouted at the top of our voices that we were good in bed!


Good times… Good times. 😉


In this article, we are going to focus on the second main outbound marketing technique, known as direct marketing.


So without further ado lets go back to that crowded room in which we so boldly announced our bedroom prowess…


Before we start, I should point out a few subtle differences when compared to our last escapade;


Firstly this week’s room is hosting a singles function and secondly, we are going to scan the room first to assess the crowd for some suitable candidates.


When we find them, we calmly walk over to the person/persons that we feel we are most in tune with and say “Hi, my name is < insert your name here > and I am really, REALLY good in bed.”


The subtle differences from last time make a huge difference to our overall approach. With direct marketing you get fewer funny looks and you are also being much more strategic.


This time, we have made sure that the target audience is full of potential prospects. It is, after all, a singles night unlike last weeks AA meeting! We have also taken a bit of time to analyse the market and have been more selective as to our target audience.


With direct marketing, good data is as important as looking like Brad Pit is in the dating scene. With out it, you may still get lucky, but it really is a lot more effective with it!


So, what kinds of direct marketing techniques work well?


Targeted e-marketing can be very effective, as can targeted telesales. Now if you put them both together, you are basically turning yourself into Brad Pit and George Clooney all rolled into one. In short, you are much more likely to succeed!


Targeted direct mail can work quite well these days. I think so much time has gone by with everything being digital that you can once again get people excited by actually sending them something real that they can hold.


If you do try this approach, make it relevant and also trackable. Perhaps you can guide the recipient back to a targeted landing page on your website.


Remember, with all of your marketing it is essential to track success, analyse what works and doesn’t work and then improve on it. That is why modern day chat up lines have moved on from “do you come here often” to… well perhaps you can comment some of your favorites onto this articles discussion page!


That’s it for this time. In the next article we will be talking about the more modern technique of inbound marketing. In the meantime if you are wondering why I used examples like Brad Pit and George Clooney in my dating examples, as opposed to Pamela Anderson or Jessica Alba …


… my wife proofreads these articles, what do you think I am, crazy?!

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