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Our favourite GDPR memes

Unless you haven’t been checking your emails for the last, well, month or so, you’ll know that the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have now come into force.


This was a turbulent time for agencies and companies throughout the UK, not least because they had to do a lot of preparation, along with sending out reconfirmation emails before the May 25th deadline.


Now, we’re all for preparation, but it does seem like people were getting a little bit annoyed with the constant barrage of “please don’t leave us” emails. If you felt the same way, then you’ll appreciate our round up of our favourite GDPR memes from 2018.













So there we have it. Remember, GDPR is now in force, so hopefully you’re not still receiving emails from companies that don’t have your permission. However much we wanted to bring a positive spin to these new changes, it’s still an important piece of legislation.


If you’ve seen any memes, GIFs or images that you think we might like, then make sure you let us know on our Twitter page. We love hearing from our followers, especially when it gives us something to chuckle about.

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  1. Really enjoyed reading this! Working in marketing myself and as a blogger, GDPR is doing my head in! Glad the barrage of emails seems to be over.

    Kimberley //

    1. Hi Kimberley, good to hear you enjoyed the blog. We’re glad the worst seems to be over!