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How to Check Your Hidden Facebook Messages

You must have had hundreds of chats on Facebook over the years. One thing users are now discovering though, is that Facebook filters those people who try to send you messages.


They’re normally spam anyway, but occasionally, people have messages that have been filtered and they haven’t been sent a notification.


Last year, Facebook got rid of its old messenger service, scrapping the ‘Other’ inbox for a folder called, ‘Message Requests’. If Facebook thinks you don’t know someone it automatically filters out that message and doesn’t notify you, it just stores the message away in a folder. You can view the messages by following these instructions:


1. Open your Messenger app
2. Go to the settings tab
3. Select the ‘People’ option
4. Choose message requests
5. Select the option to see ‘filtered requests’


Tada! Messages you didn’t even know were there. So you’ll either feel bad for not replying to some of these lovely messages or you’ll find that Facebook has in fact done its job and filtered out your spam.


Facebook has come under criticism for filtering messages without really letting people know how to find them. What’s your take on it? We’d love to know! Get in touch

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