Top 5 Blog Post Templates
With so many online content creators vying for attention, it’s important to find the right blog post templates for your website. The right structure can increase readership and retention, whilst maintaining a steady stream of quality copy.
People have their favourite blog post templates, and making sure you have a variety available is the best way to keep your readers coming back for more. Larger businesses will integrate these templates into their content marketing strategies, but if you’re struggling, then keep reading for our Top 5 Blog Post templates.
List Posts
Have you ever tried reading a longer website post when you only have minutes (or sometimes seconds) to spare? It can be hard with the pace of everyday life for your readers to fully absorb all your lovely content.
This is why list posts are one of our favourite blog post templates. They’re very easy to write, easy to read and easy to template. Perfect if you’ve got a lot to say, and people don’t have a lot of time to listen.
On smart phones and tablets, you have limited space on the screens; so format your lists accordingly. Use shorter sentences, and if possible, bullet-point each item to make it even easier for your readers to digest.
Image and Collages
A picture can tell a story, and you don’t even need to write anything more than the title. Let people use their imaginations, and “wow” them with a stunning photograph.
Pictures are some of the most shared aspects on social media; and with the rise of apps such as Pinterest and Instagram, its becoming easier for businesses and blogs to interact with their customers and readers through the medium of pictures.
Embeddable Content
Embeddable content is another way to make your website, blog or online business more interactive for your readers. If you wanted to add an instructional video, just go to Youtube, click the “Share” button and copy the long HTML code onto your website.
You need to remember that the video needs to be both functional and informative, don’t add videos just because you think they’re funny. Not everyone has the same sense of humour as you, and your reader has come to your website to learn, not to look at fluffy cats jumping into sinks (however much fun they are).
Polls are the ideal way to increase audience engagement, and can give you great ideas for future content. When creating a poll, you need to give your readers context, and realistic answers to chose from.
When it comes to collecting the results, you could either create your own infographic to display them, or turn them into a blog post, highlighting the results and asking your readers who didn’t take part to add their own responses below.
Weekly Roundups
One of the best ways to create interactive content for your website, business or blog is to create a “Weekly Roundup” post. This can be links to other websites that you’ve been reading, articles you’ve found inspirational online, or images that have given you a moment of peace or calm.
Not only does this create great content, but also it gives your reader the sense that you’re not above promoting another blog. People love to be recognised; and you never know, they could link back to you in the future.
So there you go, our top 5 blog post templates. Be careful with these posts however, you don’t want them to be filler content. You still need to add longer posts to your website, but these templates are ideal if you’re suffering from a bout of writers block.
If you’re still struggling to come up with ideas, then take a look at our guide on how to create engaging content for the online reader. If you’ve got your own tips on what blog templates work best for you, then we’d love to hear from you.