Now, first thing’s first, we hope you have a company newsletter that you send out frequently to your clients or customers, if you don’t then SHAME ON YOU, get on that quickly!
If you do have one, then you may be finding your recipient list is a little short. A great way to get more email addresses is by adding a clear newsletter sign up tab to your business Facebook page.
Here’s how to do it, and all you need is a Mailchimp account (there is a free option to help get you started) and access to your company’s Facebook page .
Step 1
Log in to Mailchimp, click on your profile name and then the ‘Account’ tab. Click on ‘Integrations’, find the Facebook area and click to expand
Step 2
In the drop down follow the instructions to connect your page (you will be briefly taken to Facebook.) Once back in Mailchimp, select the page you want to use and then the list you want people to subscribe to
Step 3
Under ‘Use sign up form tab’, select the ‘Yes’ option to show a tab on your Facebook Page.
Under ‘Form theme’ set your list theme (your list default – the same as your subscribe forms. Or Facebook-esque – Facebook branding) and input the ‘Tab label’ you want to appear e.g. ‘Sign up to our Newsletter’
Step 4
Click ‘Save’ and preview in Facebook! Voila!
Changing the app image in Facebook
You can create your own image that appears on the sign up tab.
Firstly you need to create your image. The size of the image must be 111 × 74 pixels. File size limit 1 MB and must be a JPG, GIF, or PNG file.
Step 1
To set the look and feel of your tab head to your Facebook business page and click ‘Settings’ in the top right corner, then click on ‘Apps’ Under the Mailchimp section click ‘Edit Settings’
Step 2
In the pop up window click ‘Change’ next to ‘Custom Tab Image’. In the new window, hover over the existing image then browse to your image and upload.
And there you have it… a lovely newsletter call to action for your customers and prospects to sign up to.
Speaking of which, sign up to ours, and receive awesome tips like these and more 😉