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Benefits of Google+ for business

Google+ has previously been placed on the back burner by most individuals and businesses, but throughout 2014, it has started to pick up a lot more traction in the social world. With over 135 million active users, it makes sense to start a Google+ page for your business to make sure you’re spreading your company message.


We’ve gathered a couple of the benefits of Google+ and added some tips for setting up your business Google+ page.




Google+ greatly influences search rankings


Shares or + 1’s of the content you post will help influence what people will see in Google’s search results. Of course, Google will encourage Google+ to appear higher in searches as they want to promote their own platform. Google will also immediately index posts on Google+, increasing the probability that your pages will show in search results.




Google+ allows you to integrate with other platforms such as Gmail and YouTube. YouTube is owned by Google, and is the second largest search engine in the world so it’s definitely worth integrating all your platforms together for Search Engine Optimisation benefits.




If you’re convinced by the benefits and have decided to set up your own Google+ business page, here are some top tips to success!


1. Fill out your page


After you have created a business page, you need to make sure that you fill out all the necessary information. In the ‘About’ section, think about using keywords relating to your business or service offering, but make sure you aren’t bragging too much.


2. Create communities


Once your page is filled out, you can start to connect with people, prospects and peers. To do this you have to create ‘Circles’. You can set up many ‘Circles’ and assign other users and pages to them. Once you have done this, others will reciprocate, thus building up an engaged audience, ready to see your content.


3. Use hashtags (#)


If you are posting an interesting topic or update, use hashtags when it’s appropriate. This works in the same way as Twitter, where users can search for a particular topic, so take advantage of it.


4. Stay active


Ensure that once you start using Google+ that you stay active on it. Add people to your circles and comment on posts from other people or pages, hopefully they’ll do the same for you! The more engagement you receive, the more favourable you are to Google!


5. Grab your own URL


Once you’ve set up your business page you can create a customised URL – a short, easy to remember web address that links directly to your page.


To get your customised URL follow the instructions here.


Are you on Google+? Leave a comment below with a link to your business page so we can connect.

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